Do Kids “Grow Out Of” Things Like Colic, Reflux and Constipation?

Colicky Baby

It's essential to talk about something that might stir some frustration or concern, but it's a conversation we need to have for the sake of our children's health. For too long, traditional approaches have brushed off significant childhood health issues—like colic, chronic constipation, reflux, or recurring ear infections—as mere phases of childhood that will pass with time. Yet, as many of you have experienced firsthand, these challenges don't simply fade away.

For those nights you've spent awake, comforting your child through discomfort, or the days filled with trying to understand and manage tantrums, meltdowns, and sleepless nights, it's crucial to recognize that these aren't just fleeting phases. Your intuition as a parent—that sense that something deeper is affecting your child—is valid and supported by a growing understanding of how central and autonomic nervous system development plays a critical role in these conditions. This is an area that might not be fully addressed in conventional pediatric care but is precisely where Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors excel.

Understanding the Impact of Nervous System Stress

Whether your child is a toddler or a teenager, the issues with things like belly aches, feeling super sensitive to sounds or lights, or having a hard time paying attention, all tie back to the nervous system. This is about how their body reacts to stress, which can make the body's alarm system (called the sympathetic system) go into overdrive.

This overdrive mode can happen because of stressful stuff that occurred even before your child was born, like during pregnancy, or if there were any bumps or scares when they were a baby. Early exposure to stuff that isn’t great for them can also throw their nervous system out of whack, leading to what’s known as dysautonomia.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Just treating the things you see on the surface won’t get to the bottom of what’s really going on. It’s like putting a band-aid on a scratch when there’s a deeper cut. Our nervous system is like the command center for our body, taking care of everything from how we digest food to how we handle emotions and how our body talks to our brain. By making sure the nervous system is in tip-top shape, we can help sort out a bunch of other stuff too.

You might have been told that your child will "grow out of" their issues, but that's not always true. Sometimes, if these things aren’t taken care of, they can lead to bigger problems later on. And feelings like being super upset or not being able to sit still aren’t just things kids do; they can be signs that their brain and body aren’t working together as smoothly as they should.

What Can We Do About It?

Knowing what's really happening with your child means you can start doing something about it. We use special scans to see how stressed out your child’s nervous system is and then help calm it down. This doesn’t just help with the immediate problems but supports their overall health and happiness as they grow.

Here at our office, we’re all about finding out what's going on beneath the surface and dealing with it head-on.If you’ve ever been told to just wait and see, maybe it’s time to share what you’ve learned here. Understanding and taking care of the nervous system can make a big difference in your family’s life.

We're here to help you find hope and answers, and to take real steps towards making things better for your child.


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