Care Plans and Pricing

New Patient Consultation

First Visit
= $200

This visit includes:

Your DAY 1 Consultation:

  • 1-on-1 consult with SFC doctor evaluating your health history and current challenges and goals

  • INSiGHT neuro-scans

  • Chiropractic exam

Your DAY 2 Report of Findings:

  • 1-on-1 review with SFC doctor going over your neuro-scans and fully customized Neurological Restoration Plan

  • The option to receive your first adjustment with SFC for our single adjustment fee of $75

Plan for 30-45 minutes for each appointment (DAY 1 and DAY 2)

* Prices are subject to change

Neurological Restoration Plans

Restoration plans are the initial phase of care in your SFC journey.

Plans will typically include:

  • 24-60 adjustments based on results of neuro-scans performed during your DAY 1 Consultation

  • iNSIGHT scans and progress reports performed throughout your plan to measure progress

  • 1-on-1 reports with a SFC doctor explaining progress and continued care

The average cost of Neurological Restoration Plans ranges from $1760 - $4400.

* Prices are subject to change

SFC Wellness Care Plans

Wellness care is open to current SFC patients who have completed a Neurological Restoration Plan.

Wellness Plans include:

  • One adjustment per week for the year

  • iNSIGHT scans after initial transition to wellness to measure continued progress

  • Boost adjustments at discounted price of $50

* Prices are subject to change

Ready to address the root cause of your health challenges?


  • At SFC, we focus on providing specialized neurological chiropractic care. Due to this focus, we do not accept insurance. This allows us to provide the highest quality of care, tailored to the unique needs of each individual, without the limitations often imposed by insurance coverage.

    We accept cash, credit cards an debit cards including HSA and FSA cards. We DO NOT provide diagnostic codes or superbills for the purpose of insurance reimbursement. However, we are happy to provide receipts for your records.

    We believe in making our care accessible and are happy to discuss various payment options to suit your needs. For more information on payment methods and how we can assist you, please feel free to contact our office.

  • We accept cash, credit cards an debit cards including HSA and FSA cards. We DO NOT provide diagnostic codes or superbills for the purpose of insurance reimbursement. However, we are happy to provide receipts for your records.

  • We believe in making our care accessible and are happy to discuss various payment options to suit your needs. For more information on payment methods and how we can assist you, please feel free to contact our office.